Corgi Batmobile, pneus noirs, whizzwheels avec jantes larges.

1979 "Roues larges, phares jaunes"





Cette Batmobile Wide Whizzwheels a les feux avant jaunes, s'il ne s'agit pas d'un modèle repeint elle est trés rare. Elle posséde slot long de la lame de scie (slot).

C'est exactement la même que la version avec les feux avant orange mais avec avec les feux avant jaune.

L'existence de cette version reste toutefois à confimer !

Cependant, l'environnement chaoctique de la production chez Corgi laisse à penser que quelques modéles ont étaient assemblés avec des spécifications incorrectes, sans être rebutés par le service qualité.






I must caution in this car below. The car does look mint but it does look TOO yellow, and as far as i'm aware i have yet to see a later batmobile with headlights that yellow. This doesn't necessarily mean though that it's been tampered with though, it could easily have been overspray on corgi's part but it sure would be a rare find if it is original!!! I've noticed though that the car itself is in the later box which came without Robin so if it has always been in this box and never opened then there is no way it can be original as the yellow paint headlight version would have come in the 79-81 box, the yellow paint was discontinued about that time and they used the orange/red paint and never swapped back. I never knew why corgi swapped the paint though, and my guess would be a change of supplier and the paint was cheaper, or the yellow paint contained lead which caused a lot of paint colours to be discontinued as it was made illegal to have lead in them.